Books Read: 2022

Having forgotten to make this post at the end of 2022, this post is a little tardy. But, I organize my reading into year based ‘Collections’ on my Kindle, so knowing what was read isn’t too hard to figure out. Figuring our the order in which I read them proving a stiffer challenge!

I started the year with a couple of books on time, and historical time keeping. Firstly, I read ‘Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time‘. Solving the problem of navigation for sailing ships was a tough one.… Click here to read more!

Books Read: 2023

(I’ll try to get my 2021, and 2022 posts up soon too.. totally forgot to write them!)

Firstly, my reading has really declined this year! Though I continue to work from home, I have struggled this year to find gaps to do much reading. I do most of my reading during lunch, or in little pockets throughout the day. This year however, I did not do a good job of actually taking a lunch at work. Something to be addressed in the new year for sure…

[Links below do point to Amazon, since I’m a Kindle reader, but these are simple, direct links without any tracking, etc.]… Click here to read more!