Dell Wyse 5070 – RAM and Coral AI

I too have been bitten by the bug and have a growing number of Dell Wyse 5070 thin clients appearing. I’ve been very happy with them, and since I struggled to find clear info on a couple of upgrades, I thought I’d add my text based ramblings to the Internets in case it’s a help for someone else.

I have a 5070 Extended, which has a PCIe 2.0 4x slot. The one I have included the AMD E9173 graphics card which works fine, but I don’t use it. I have it removed at the moment and, given time, will likely try out some other cards in there.

What I have tested though is RAM upgrades. I had read that some people have had success with up to 32GB of RAM, so that was the target.

It works, of course, with the 4GB module that seems to be so common. (Though, anecdotally, one of my 5070s came with a 4GB chip that turned out to be bad … but that’s a post for another day!)

From there, I didn’t want to be greedy so I ordered an 8GB module. The 8GB module worked alone, and it also worked with the 4GB module.

I then tested a 16GB module, which likewise worked alone and with the 8GB.

I left well enough alone for a bit. But, I did recently end up ordering a 2nd 16GB module, which also works paired with the other 16GB module.

32GB of RAM in a tiny thin client PC. What a world..

The only caveat being, for whatever reason, my install of Debian 12 would NOT boot once I swapped from 24GB to 32GB of RAM. The Debian installer booted fine though, so I did a clean install and that’s working fine too. I’ve never seen that before, but here we are. The system booted the ‘old’ install with any other combination of RAM I tried, just not 32GB.

I’m running Debian 12, and ZFS, plus I’ve installed Docker Podman on there too to run Frigate. This works great.

To help with Frigate, I added a Coral AI chip. The ‘M.2 Accelerator A+E key’ version — which I installed in the slot Dell intended for the WiFi module. No issues here. It’s a great little NVR, and requires nothing like 32GB at this stage. Frankly, it would be fine with the 4GB of RAM it came with.

(Links here are for clarity. They are not affiliate links. These are the actual model numbers I bought.)

Coral AI – M.2 Accelerator A+E key –

Crucial 16GB RAM Module (CT16G4SFRA32A) –

Crucial 8GB RAM Module (CT8G4SFRA32A) –

I hope that’s a help for .. someone.

2 Replies to “Dell Wyse 5070 – RAM and Coral AI”

  1. Hello,
    I am having some issues regarding the integration of the Coral M2 to Frigate. Maybe you can share some more information or help me out here, that would be awesome!

  2. Not sure what else you might be looking for. Once physically installed, I installed the software and loaded the kernel module.

    I basically just followed the docs for Debian and it started working.

    But, if you have any questions I’ll certainly do my best to help out!

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