Review: Thecus N5200

I’ve had this device for about 6 weeks now and at this point I think I’m ready to post a fair review. The Thecus N5200 is essentially a NAS RAID box. It’s built around a Intel Celeron 600Mhz chip and runs linux. It holds 5 SATA drives up to 750GB which was is the largest available when I bought the unit (It may have been updated to support larger drives by now). Not being a glutton I installed 5 500GB drives in a RAID 5 giving me about 2TB of storage once it is all is setup. Unfortunatly one of my drives was faulty on arrival though so I had to do a bit of extra waiting before I could really start to use the unit.… Click here to read more!

Nikon D40

Well, I bought it. No regrets. I love the camera. It’s honestly no more work to use then my Canon Powershot and I get such better pictures. It is so great to be able to grab the camera pop in a couple of settings and snap off 100 pictures.

As I’ve mentioned before this is my first SLR of any kind. I have no other lenses (though I do have my eye on a couple) and aside from the camera it self I have made no other serious investments for it. I use my Apple Macbook and iPhoto to edit the images for the most part and dabble in photoshop or whatever else when needed.… Click here to read more!