Simple Linux Kernel Picker

I run Fedora in my home-lab as the base OS for my server. It works well for me but I do occasionally run into an issue where Fedora will make a new kernel available before the ZFS project has support for it. When that happens I have to change from the most current kernel to something that I can have a dkms module built for.

I do this once or twice a year and I never remember the commands. So, here’s a script that will do it for me.

Run the script as a normal user and it will list your installed kernels. Run it as root and it will let you select one to be made your default.

Then, you reboot and you’re all set. This will save me a fair bit of time, so I thought I’d post it here in case others will be helped too.

It’s on my Githib page, so pull requests are welcome. Surely, someone will better coding skills than I can offer some improvements 😉

KPicker On GitHub

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